易客发Arkitex Verispress软打样非常适合Radin Print

易客发Arkitex Verispress软打样非常适合Radin Print

Radin Print自1995年成立以来一直提供高质量的杂志,书籍,目录,传单和小册子。该公司战略总部位于克罗地亚首都萨格勒布西部的Sveta Nedelja,采用最新技术保持创新的前沿,通过无缝的工作流程实现令人印象深刻的印刷操作。

凭借对卓越和创新的承诺,创始人Marijan Arambašin和Branka Pušec已将Radin Print发展成为国际行业领导者,不仅在克罗地亚,而且在塞尔维亚和阿尔巴尼亚建立了最先进的印刷设施。此外,还在罗马尼亚、匈牙利、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、黑山、奥地利、德国、丹麦、意大利等地设立了分公司。



Radin Print已经依靠ECO3的Apogee工作流管理软件超过23年,设置了四个rip来处理大量的工作。此外,这家克罗地亚公司还将Apogee WebApproval整合为在线协作工具,以实现顺畅高效的文件交付和最终客户对艺术品的批准。最近,Radin通过Arkitex Enhance Veripress软打样成功扩展了这一自动化工作流程,在提高内部印前效率的同时,也提高了可持续性并节省了成本。

作为管理Radin生产过程的Apogee工作流程的延伸,Arkitex Enhance Veripress提供了一个完整的印刷打样系统,提供软打样作为成品印刷品的精确数字表示。这一创新软件的实施使公司能够在屏幕上产生经过验证的,颜色匹配的样张,只需按一下按钮,即可实现全面的质量控制。

Alen Gizdavcic, Radin Print 技术总监(右) 和 Karl Wolf,易客发售前顾问





自实施以来,Radin Print已经为其所有产品使用易客发Verispress,这项投资大大加快了内部质量保证过程。转向verispress软打样也降低了硬拷贝打样的成本,成功实现了Radin 80%的目标,并有望进一步节省成本。

Alen Gizdavcic, Radin Print技术总监 (左) 和 Arnold Posch, 易客发SEE分公司经理

对易客发Arkitex verpress的投资是Radin致力于推进一流技术,提供卓越打印质量和提供卓越客户服务。它也完全符合公司的可持续发展目标,即通过优化流程和节省材料来减少浪费。因此,Radin继续引领印刷行业,制定新的质量标准,确保为客户和环境创造更美好的未来。



Schur Pack International A/S由Johan Wilhelm Schur于1846年创立,至今仍是世界上最古老的家族企业。其丹麦子公司Schur Pack Denmark A/S在Horsens和Vejle经营两个生产基地。他们专注于为品牌所有者提供高端通用包装解决方案,重点关注食品行业,占其客户群的80%左右。
在Schur的工厂车间里,有三台胶印机:两台Rapida 106机器,每台配备七种颜色,可以使用UV和水性油墨。此外,还有Rapida 145六色印刷机,双涂层配置,可以应用UV光油。易客发ECO3的一切印前和印刷解决方案促进了Schur高度自动化的工作流程。
——Allan laursen,Schur 丹麦公司运营总监
Schur采用了易客发Avalon N16-90 VLF(超大幅面)制版机、Energy Elite生态印版和Arkana 125。易客发CtP系统配备了机器人自动化上版,可以自动处理印版,减少印版造成的停机时间。


Schur的平均作业量约为14,000至15,000张B3,但Horsens工厂也会定期印刷更长时间的作业,高达数十万张。易客发ECO3的Energy Elite,具有非常高的耐用性,在最大限度地提高印刷机利用率和提供高性能方面起着至关重要的作用。

“我们发现Energy Elite印版非常耐用。在我们需要更换之前,可以轻松印刷多达8万到10万张。在不影响质量的情况下,这是生产率的巨大提高。”

ECO3解决方案的可持续性对Schur Pack来说也至关重要。该公司已经能够显著减少纸张浪费,水的消耗和化学品的使用。

“易客发ECO3产品实际上正在帮助我们实现可持续发展目标。例如,使用Arkana处理器和Energy Elite Eco印版,我们化学品使用量减少了一半,用水量下降了十分之一。”

考虑到潜在的未来收益,Schur Pack团队目前正在评估易客发另外两个关键的创新:SPIR@L加网技术与SolidTune软件相结合,节省油墨。



Hopkins Printing把客户满意度放在首位

Hopkins Printing puts customer satisfaction front and center

The team at Hopkins Printing in Columbus (Ohio, USA) loves to solve a challenge. Their attention to detail, responsiveness, and commitment to technological advancement has kept Hopkins succeeding in a competitive marketplace.

Roy Waterhouse, General Manager

Hopkins Printing has been in business for over 45 years. This award-winning commercial printer consistently exceeds customer expectations as a trustworthy, accurate, and responsive partner that cares for its client’s business. The company services banking and financial institutions, local and state associations, and retail and insurance market segments.

“We strive to create an environment that surpasses client expectations,” explains Roy Waterhouse, General Manager at Hopkins Printing. “We do not make excuses; we provide solutions. We follow through with what we say we will do. Customers experience our commitment and entrust us with their business. Most of our clients have been with us for many decades.”

Helping employees achieve more

Along with exceeding customer needs, Hopkins’ management routinely improves internal job duties. The company values employees and seeks ways to make their job functions easier. At Hopkins Printing, helping employees achieve better work outcomes results in a win for everyone.

When the team at Hopkins heard that ECO3’s SPIR@L screening would streamline the color process for the press operator, they wanted to see it in action.

SPIR@L screening improves print manufacturing by replacing conventional dots with spiral shapes. The patented SPIR@L dot structure requires less ink to reproduce high-quality images. Using less ink produces high-quality images with finer details and consistency, all while having greater control of the press.

According to Roy Waterhouse, SPIR@L screening runs less ink to get up to color through GCR and UCR technologies. Less ink means less water on the sheet, so the operator can get up to color faster.

“It makes it easier to run the press since there’s less water,” says Roy Waterhouse. “We try to do anything we can to make jobs a bit easier. SPIR@L allows a straightforward way to keep the color stable, and that matters to us.”


The solution’s smooth transition from positive to negative spirals and minimum white gap results in clear image rendering. SPIR@L can be set up according to the manufacturer’s preferences: different curves and groove area thicknesses can be selected depending on the press and paper used to achieve high-quality print at the lowest possible cost.

After testing SPIR@L for a month, Hopkins received some interesting feedback from a customer during a press check.

“Before we ever said anything externally about a new screening technology, one of our national retail clients told us the images looked crisper and sharper than before,” said Roy Waterhouse.

“SPIR@L makes it easier for the operator to run the press and makes sharper, more vivid images for our customers.”

Putting the customer front and center

SPIR@L is assisting Hopkins in its mission. Attention to detail, commitment to technological advancement, and team-building efforts create an environment where customer needs are exceeded. Critical success factors for Hopkins are finding timely ways to produce the most challenging projects, offering consistent print quality, and being trustworthy.

Roy Waterhouse explains, “Anybody can mouth the words, but we have employees who will stay late on a Thursday night at 7 o’clock to meet a client who wants to double-check a product before it goes on press. That is what we mean by putting customer service front and center.”